An Abrupt Ending at the Altar Service

via Daily Prompt: Abrupt

The instructions and ceremonial proceedings and accouterments that God gave to Moses in the book of Leviticus are really quite elaborate and extensive. Even the incense involved in worship was to be holy and used only for ceremonial purposes, so that if anyone made themselves a batch of it they would be put to death.  Much of this has to do with the Holiness of Holy God. He is completely Pure and cannot be in the presence of any impurity or things of common use.

Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, when they lost their innocent state of mind and took on sexual shame, blood has had to be spilled in order to make an atonement for the sin of humanity. God had to kill animals and shed their blood to make skins to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve after their sin. God gave Moses specific instructions on what animals were to be sacrificed, where, when, and how. If all went according to God’s instructions He would send His Presence down to the altar and consume the sacrifice with His Holy Fire.

Certainly it was an honor to be selected as the bloodline of the tribes of Israel that would attend to all the details of serving God at His Holy Altar. There were food offerings and drink offerings involved in many of the sacrifices at the altar. The food for the priest was the meat of the animal sacrifices that not was burned as a propitiation toward the Lord. The drink was wine and the priest were able to drink that part that was not poured on the altar to the Lord. Such a high privilege put one completely separate from the other people as a distinguished class.

God dealt with the nation of Israel corporately in those days and tried to keep the whole nation in right relationship to Himself, and free from sin and impurity in their lives. This is probably so that Holy God could come close to them, as He did when He guided them as pillar of cloud as they headed toward the land of the Canaanites. He also filled the tabernacle with His Holy Presence in the wilderness as well. A sin, or major omission, on the part of one person could and would affect the others in many cases.

Therefore, instructions on exactly how to perform the required religious rites and rituals for worship and cleansing were highly important and to be followed in a spirit of humility, worship, respect, and willingness to adhere to the directions to the letter. Aaron and his sons were chosen as the priestly line and in Leviticus 9 in the Bible Moses anoints Aaron and his sons and consecrates them for the service of the Lord as His Priests.

A sacrifice is offered and the Fire of the Lord comes down and consumes the sacrifice. Surely the people were awed and frightened at these events, as well as being convinced that their God is All-Powerful and also craves a relationship with them. Everyone was stunned except for Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu. In fact they were so much at ease that they improvised on the instruction that they had been given and filled their censors with common fire from the camp, rather than the sacred fire of the altar.

The displeasure of Yahweh at their impromptu ceremonial rite was obvious and immediate. Fire came down from the Lord and abruptly devoured them before all the people, who were already on their faces in fear of the Presence of the Lord as Fire. Moses then said to Aaron, “Among those who approach me I will be proved holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.’”

Many scholars believe that Nadab and Abihu disregarded the momentous honor of serving the Lord at His Altar, and that they had been celebrating their new status by drinking enough wine to become inebriated and careless in the performance of their priestly duties. Their deaths serve as a warning to all of Israel not to presume to approach Holy God except by the rituals that He has prescribed and with the Holy Incense kindled at the Altar of the Lord.